Thursday, August 30, 2007

Summer Ministry Report

Here's an excerpt from Olivia's Summer 2007 Ministry Report. If you would like the full one page report, email us and we'll send it to you......

A New Perspective

This summer, I was given the opportunity to work at an evangelistic English camp called Speak Out. This English camp is run by Americans and Hungarians that come together with the aim of sharing Christ with Hungarian students. Speak Out is designed to impact the English students and the tutors who teach them. The perspective of the whole month was that God was enough and that people mattered.

Speak Out began with a week long orientation in English camp details. We cleaned, prepared, and practiced so that we could bring true joy to our campers. We knew we were at camp for our campers but the task of running Speak Out seemed infinitely small when we thought about God and His greatness. Orientation, however, united the love of our campers and God’s plan for their life. We were equipped and sent out on a journey of love and learning..........

.................Speak Out is over but it is not forgotten. God is still enough and people still matter. The lack of Speak Out cannot remove this truth. The perspective of Speak Out continues on in the staff that saw God work in our students and in the students that made our God their own. I pray that God will continue to be elevated and that people will still be loved because of the example of Speak Out.

Olivia Brannon
Summer 2007 Ministry Report-Budapest, Hungary