No, we haven't gone on vacation from blogging! But we're sort of in the brainstorming mode of revamping how we do our blogs and whether or not our blogs are of interest to our friends out in the cyber world. But in the meantime, while we're thinking on those things, we do want to continue to ask you for your prayer and for you to join in praise of our great God as He does great things. A few praises and prayer requests:
*Praise!! Our FBC missionaries in Serbia, Yarko and Elena, now own a lot to proceed on building their much needed new home.
*Praise!! The translation project we told you about in an earlier blog is well underway with hopes of completion by December.
*Praise!! Emil from Erdevik (who fell from a ladder a couple of months ago) continues to recover. He has 5 screws in his ankle and 3 screws and a metal plate in his forearm. But his health is improving. Pray for continued recovery. Emil has 3 children.
*Pray!! There is a need for a place to rent in Ruma for the small church now meeting in Igor's flat.
*Pray!! Pastor Ronnie Stevens, ( will kick off the new semester at HUB Bible school (north of Belgrade) during the first 2 weeks of October. He'll be teaching on the book of Matthew. Pray for clarity and understanding by the students.
*Pray!! HUB Bible School will launch a 2nd year of study in October. The 1st year of study will continue to be a study of the entire Bible. The added 2nd year will be a practical application of the 1st year of study to the importance of the local church. (preaching, teaching, leader development, counseling, evangelism, church planting, etc.) Pray for effective teaching and opportunities for practical application.
Thank you!