Well, not exactly. But "new" to us for the next 10 months. A missionary family left today for about a 10 month furlough. They didn't want to sell their car but hated to have it sit for that long. And we didn't want to buy a second car. Too much hassle to buy a car, pretty expensive insurance, and the upkeep on two cars is more trouble that we thought it was worth. So, the solution to getting another car? Rent! That's what we'll be doing for the next 1o months with this car. And for the first time since we've lived in Budapest, we'll have a second vehicle! Wow, we won't know how to act. No more meticulous planning of schedules to make sure that everyone has a ride to where they need to go. Curt will be able to hop into this car and Shay will take the van. The new car seems to run pretty well and has a pretty good air conditioner. Curt is even thinking about taking it to Serbia on his trip next week. Although it could be sort of tricky with Curt not being the owner of the car. He might get to the border and not be able to cross! We'll have to wait and see.