Monday, April 14, 2008

So Long! It's Been Fun!

Awesome picture! Scenic overlook near the Lohrenzes.

Camp Good News

Teo and Magdalena

Here are some pictures from Curt's ministry trip to Spain and Portugal to see the Lohrenz family and the Cavaco family.

The Lohrenzes have been in Spain for several months now and are getting the lay of the land. Ministry in Europe is slow and small as we have seen over these past 4 years. As veterans of the mission field for 30 years, John and Jan bring great experience and vision to this difficult field.

The Cavacos run Camp Good News for Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) and are planning on a FBC team this summer to help in the camp and also be a part of a beach ministry to English-speaking tourists.

THIS IS OUR LAST POST for our Brannon Family blog. There is much to do in the coming weeks to prepare to leave Budapest. Our time to leave here has shifted a little but we'll be in the states sometime in May. We want to thank all of you for reading our blog and for corresponding with us over the years. Your prayers and support have meant so much. In the coming months, as we seek God's plan for our family, maybe they'll be a need to restart the family blog. If we do activate the blog, we'll let you know!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Update on Curt in Spain/Portugal

Thank you to those that have emailed to ask how Curt's trip to Spain and Portugal is going. Yes, he's still there until Saturday and things are going well. Although, apparently, he has been in unbelievable heavy rain. The weather definitely hasn't cooperated! But the weather didn't stop a meaningful time with the Lohrenz family in Spain and now time with the Cavaco family in Portugal. We'll post pictures of his trip when he gets back and also update you on how God is using the Lohrenz and Cavaco families in Europe. Thank you for praying!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Slate Family Headed to Ireland

This is a newsletter from our good friends, Scott and Tara Slate. Scott and Tara go to First Bible in Decatur and have been called by God to serve Him as missionaries to Ireland. This newsletter is an update on their preparation to leave and their progress on raising their support. Please pray that they will raise the money they need in order to head to Ireland in June.

The Slate Five Newsletter March 2008
Ministry news on the journey to Ireland

Why Ireland

Although many Irish identify with being Catholic just as much as they identify with being Irish, Catholicism has become a matter of heritage more than a matter of practice. And many more Irish have become apathetic altogether toward spiritual things, having embraced an increasing secularism that has arrived with the economic boom and new wealth that has come to the historically poor country of Ireland. For many, wealth and materialism is the new god.

Very few people have heard the gospel once proclaimed so clearly by Saint Patrick. Less than one percent of the population of the Republic of Ireland are evangelical Christians – people who believe the truths of the gospel and share their faith with others. Approximately one-third of those are immigrants to Ireland, affording missionaries an even wider sphere of impact in Europe as a whole.

In an article entitled “Archbishop says Dublin is ‘mission territory’ for church” in the March 21, 2008 edition of the Irish Times, the Archbishop of Dublin, Dr. Diarmuid Martin is quoted as saying
“ . . .today, so many of those who were baptized as Christians no longer really know Jesus and their way of living demonstrates that the message of Jesus touches their lives only in a marginal way . . . our consumerist world needs an injection of idealism and generosity. Our world needs God.”
The Catholic church is launching a major program next year in which every house in the Dublin archdiocese will be visited by representatives of the church for the purpose of evangelization.

Now is the time to evangelize, to demonstrate the attractive power of holy lives. Now is the time to live as a light on a hill in Ireland, in a way that is fresh, real, loving, and engaging. We are weak, but He is strong. God calls and He equips when his children step out in obedience, praying and engaging in the battle for the souls of people – those people made in His image, whom He loves and gathers from every nation, tribe, and tongue.

Our lives and God’s purposes for Ireland

Since December’s newsletter, the Lord has been moving us forward toward Ireland and His plans for us there. While the children stayed behind, we flew to Dublin toward the end of January for a nine day scouting trip to meet our teammates, experience a bit of the Irish culture, visit some churches and meet some of the Irish leadership, and generally explore possibilities for living and ministering in Ireland. We are still exploring from a distance, with the help of our teammates in Dublin.

We have begun dialogue with the leadership in a particular Irish church to find how our giftings and experiences fit with desires they have to see their church grow in healthy ways. We are encouraged by the areas of fit that we sense that God has carved out for us. In particular, they desire to draw in people in the 20/30s age range through creative and contemporary means and they also would like to see a women’s ministry begin to take root and flourish. We are prayerful and hopeful about the possibilities.

In March, we were commissioned by our home church, First Bible Church of Decatur, at the culmination of our annual missions conference. It was a sweet time and we are amazed and thankful that the desire that God has put in our hearts to serve Him cross-culturally has come full-circle in our commissioning. The conference was a wonderful time, although it required some mental adjustment on our part to be the missionaries! We were encouraged and we are, as always, thankful to be a part of a body of believers that has a heart for the heart of God.

Currently, we are preparing our house and cars for sale and beginning to pack our belongings for our container to be shipped to Ireland. Our goal is to leave for Ireland in June. This will allow us time to find a place to live, enroll the children in school, learn to drive on the left with the steering wheel on the right (and turn in roundabouts), and provide the children with some positive experiences in Ireland before school begins in September. There are unique challenges with the culture that will require time to do all that must be done within a timeframe. The strongest possible start is important for us and the children for thriving in a new culture long-term.

We are raising support full-time and preparing to leave simultaneously. This is our greatest challenge at this time. We will be able to purchase plane tickets when we are at 90% monthly support and 90% outgoing. GEM will only clear us to depart for the field when we are supported 100%. Until then, we will be here.

Monthly pledges Outgoing amount
Total needed $9100 $72,000
As of December $6100 $38,000
As of March $7250 $42,000

The field is ready to receive us. The Lord has provided us with a window of opportunity to get a good price on airfare and arrive in Dublin with just enough time to begin to put down roots before the children begin school. It has been recommended that we arrive before the school year begins to maximize the children’s transition and opportunities for belonging and friendship, as well as for academic reasons.

We are trusting the Lord for his provision and we are hopeful that He will move in the hearts of many to get us to Dublin. Our one prayer request is that God will provide the remainder of our support by the end of April so that we can leave in June. Would you pray with us? We are grateful for the many who give and pray and encourage us as we step out in faith. We’d not be standing without you!

If you sense that the Lord would have you invest in His work in Ireland, you may make a pledge and/or give a financial gift at Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have and let us know if the Lord is moving in your heart to pray for us – it is a huge encouragement to our family.

Serving the Lord through your partnership and His strength,
Scott & Tara