Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Aren't you afraid about bird flu?

That's a question that has been asked of us lately from people in the states. We can understand the question since there has been a lot in the news about bird flu showing up in Europe and specifically showing up in Hungary. What little news we get from the media here and the government, it seems that Hungary is doing what it can to take precautionary measures. Supposedly, there have been isolated incidences of bird flu showing up in some swans that were found in south Hungary. And the government has cautioned everyone to not be worried.

But, we know, as you probably do, that there could be a real danger in the future concerning this situation. And not just in Europe. In the states, too. So it makes sense to be aware and informed and to certainly be careful in what we eat and where we go.

We could stockpile some Tamiflu here or maybe refuse to eat chicken for a couple of years. But we have found in the 2 years we've been here that God has graciously protected us. And we probably will be amazed when we get to heaven and God shows just how well He protected us! We get the feeling that there have been dangerous happenings around us and God has put His protective shield around us. Probably you could say the same thing!

So, the answer to the question is that we're not afraid of the bird flu but we're staying aware. And we're also just trusting God to watch out for us. Thank you for your prayers for our safety and protection!


Friday, March 24, 2006

Happy Spring!

It's really funny to look back on our previous posts and see how many of them refer to weather! Why are we so preoccupied by the weather?? Sometimes, it seems, that the success of the day depends on whether the weather is good. How's that for a tongue twister??

But some of you have told us that your computer's homepage is the weather.com page and that you have it set to Budapest. So you wonder about our weather, too! You'll be happy to know that today and the two previous days have been gorgeous. Abundant sunshine and just a little bit chilly. But nothing uncomfortable. Could Spring be here to stay? We certainly hope so.

Also, in this part of the world, Daylight Savings Time comes a week earlier than the states. We push our clocks forward THIS Saturday evening instead of next week like most of you do. So that means that we are EIGHT hours ahead of you instead of the usual seven. It will be encouraging to us to see it stay lighter and lighter a little longer each day.

Happy Spring!

Monday, March 20, 2006

BSF Friends

L-R: Shari Volk (BSF Team Member), Bette Willet, Shay, and Debbie Gibson (Class Administrator) This was a group picture taken at BSF Class today.

Since last Thursday, we've been enjoying a visit with our good friends, Gary and Bette Willett. They are fellow BSFers. Until last June, they used to live here in Budapest and had been in Budapest for 4 years. We got to know them because of their love for BSF and their desire to have BSF begin in Budapest. Both Gary and Bette had benefitted from BSF in the states and both of them had come to know the Lord through BSF back in the 80's. While in Budapest, they served as missionaries with Campus Crusade for Christ. In late 2004, they felt the Lord calling them back to the states and we hated to see them leave permanently to return home to Kansas.

Even before we arrived in Budapest in March 2004, Gary and Bette helped us in so many ways. Curt met them on his survey trip to Budapest in Fall 2003 and they were a wealth of information. Gary played a major role in securing for us an "inviting organization" so that we could come in and work in Hungary. Gary even met us at the airport when we first arrived and helped us with our 11 suitcases! Those first few weeks and months, we felt attached at the hip to the Willetts as we tried to feel our way through the culture adjustment. They were so patient with us and all our questions! Then, when the Ladies' BSF class began last Spring (2005), Bette was willing to play any role she could to help get the class off the ground. We owe them both a debt of gratitude!

So, when we heard that they needed to come back to Budapest for a week to do some work with Campus Crusade, we jumped at the chance to have them stay with us. We've had so much fun catching up on each other's lives. Although we've only known them for about 2 1/2 years, it seems like we've known them for years. It's just a connection that people have in the body of Christ. When they leave this Thursday for the states, we don't know when we might see them again. But we'll keep up through email and letters. Who knows? Maybe we'll get an opportunity to see them as we pass through Kansas!


Monday, March 13, 2006

Doing Well!

Thank you to those that have sent emails to check on us while Curt and Meredith are in the states! We are doing well and seem to be keeping up with our duties and ALL the stuff that Curt and Meredith do when they're here. Whew! It takes all 4 of us to keep things running as smoothly as possible. Everyone seems to have their areas of "expertise" and that helps us all. So when two of those "experts" are gone, we feel it!

If it were not for Curt, it's doubtful that the bills would be paid, the car taken care of, the yard maintained, the math or science taught, or the computers kept running. Not to mention all the ministry he does on top of that! If it were not for Meredith, there would be half the chores done, the pets would starve, and we would never get biscuits from scratch or her homemade spaghetti sauce! So we are appreciative of those two family members and are anxious to have them back.

Thank you for your prayers for us here in Budapest and prayers for Curt and Meredith while they are in the states.

Shay and Olivia


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Time in the States

Curt and Meredith are heading out of Budapest tomorrow morning. Their destination: Decatur, Alabama, and other areas around that great city! Curt has business responsibilities and Meredith has a couple of important doctor visits that she needs to take care of. They'll be there for about 10 days before returning to Budapest. Hopefully, they'll get to see a lot of family and friends during their stay. They'll be at First Bible Church on March 12th.

That leaves Shay, Olivia, and the 3 pets to hold down the fort while they're gone. Olivia and Shay are beginning to wonder if Meredith will actually miss them or her dog, Tessa, the most! Hopefully, Tessa won't have puppy withdrawal from Meredith and will behave herself. The other 2 pets should be pretty easy to take care of.

Olivia has a full week ahead with her Hungarian ministry responsibilities (FEK). Plus, she has her school to keep her busy. Shay has BSF responsibilities plus getting ready for some good friends from the states that are coming to stay a week. So maybe the time that Curt and Meredith are gone will seem to go quickly with so much going on here in Budapest.

If you think of the 4 of us, please pray for our safety as we scatter to different places. Also, please pray for a productive time for all of us during the next couple of weeks.

Through Curt and Meredith, Olivia and Shay send hugs and thanks for all you do for us!