Over a week has passed since Olivia and Shay arrived back from Israel. The two of us have had a little more time to think about and remember the special moments of the trip. There are too many special moments to count! We've not gotten all our pictures organized and labeled but the pictures we have between the two of us are helping us keep our memories fresh and permanent in our hearts.
We've heard from several of our team members in the last few days and we are amazed at how much we miss them. After all, we just met them and spent only 12 days together. But there was a bond that was formed that was very unique and not like anything we had experienced before. We were connected---through our love for Christ, for the Jewish people, and for Israel. Every day we would get up early and load the bus by 8:00 a.m. The day would be packed with sites to see and things to do. Arriving back to the hotel or kibbutz where we stayed would happen around 5:30 or 6 in the evening. So, as a team of 40, we spent hours together seeing things for the first time together. There's just something special about that. We are thankful that God put us all together for this once in a lifetime trip.
Our advice to you: start saving your pennies NOW and plan to go to Israel! At least plan to go to Jerusalem. Your life will be changed and your understanding of the Bible will be even richer and more in context. I (Shay) for one realizes even more just what I do NOT know about the Bible and the land where Jesus walked. I need to study!!! I want to study!!! There are some incredible books that I need to read about the history of this land and the impact this land/country has made on the world and continues to make.
Don't know if there will be another post on Israel but maybe in a few days/weeks. The trip changed us in a major way and it's hard to put a change like that aside and go on with life as usual. Hope you enjoy a few more pictures of the land of Israel.