Ahhh....back from Israel and so glad to be home with Curt and Meredith. But our hearts feel sad, too, because we know that Israel has now made an eternal lasting impact on us and it was hard to leave this precious place. How can one leave that incredible place without something exciting and memorable happening in a person's relationship with God? Walking where the Savior walked and seeing places that have been there for thousands of years is causing us to read the Bible with different eyes. Words leap off the page like Mt. Hermon or Jerusalem or Bethsaida and we are amazed that we have been there! Scripture takes on new in-depth meaning and things seem in context more. There is so much information to process. We have yet to have the time to look through our pictures and our notes and see how God is using and will use this trip in our lives. It will be an ongoing process in the weeks to come. Here is just the first blog we'll do on Israel and will probably do a couple more. But we wanted to post as quickly as we could to thank you all for praying for us. We love you for that!