Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The English Language

The Two English Teachers At The School

Hungarian is a very difficult language that few expatriates gain fluency in. Our Hungarian is pretty low-level but we do seem to get by with the everyday things of life. But what we have found many times is that English is the language that helps us the most. So many people in Hungary and in Europe have at least some English. So, we are able to communicate. Thank you, God, for allowing us to be native English speakers!

Being a native English speaker has opened doors for us and allowed us opportunities to serve Christ. We are amazed that Hungarians, who many times already speak another language (like German), want to know English, too. We feel ashamed sometimes that we speak only English and most Europeans speak two or three languages or even more. But, for whatever reason, they want to speak with and learn from a native English speaker, if possible. Even "Alabama English"! They don't mind that drawl, at all, ya'll.

Yesterday, I (Shay) was invited to an elementary school to help in the English classes for the day. What a terrific experience and privilege to be exposed to a village school like this and to meet the hard-working teachers. The kids were so sweet and were interested in listening to me. This school was a German-language school which means that children in this school begin learning German in the first grade. They begin learning English in the fourth grade. So, when the 8th graders leave for high school, they have been exposed to 2 other languages besides Hungarian.

One little girl, Gaby, especially tugged on my heart. Gaby is an orphan and she is 12 years old. Gaby's English was really good and she even gave me a sweet note when the class was over. I could have taken her home with me! But I will pray for her and pray that she will be exposed to the gospel despite her living in an orphanage.

Be thankful for your English! It truly is a gift from God and can be used by Him.
