Sunday, September 09, 2007

Adult Sunday School

This morning at church, Adult Sunday School begins. This is really a big deal because we don't have an Adult Sunday School. It's difficult logistically to make Sunday School work in our rental facility. Plus, our childcare situation can be a little tricky. Plus, Adult Sunday School is not necessarily a concept that a lot of people understand or really think might be advantageous to them. Why get up earlier on Sunday morning if you don't have to?

But we do have a really good teacher that felt led to start Sunday School for the adults. We'll be studying the book of Matthew. Hopefully, we'll have several adults that will begin today and we'll add to our numbers as we go along. Please pray for people to make the commitment to attend Sunday School and to desire to grow spiritually in the study of God's Word. Another wonderful benefit of all of this is community among the believers. Attending Sunday School builds up the body of Christ as we move and work together.

We'll report back on how Sunday School is going. Enjoy the Lord's Day today wherever you may be worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ!