Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wrapping Things Up

May is such a full month. It's probably that way for most everyone! Maybe you can relate?? It seems that everything comes to an end in May. And that makes for hectic schedules. It's that way over here in Budapest, too.

During this month, we will see the wrapping up of many things. Curt's two men's Bible groups have come to a close. One of those met at our house and the other one met at the Campus Crusade Headquarters. The men would probably view those groups as successful and meaningful. Also, the mission team from the states has come and gone. What a great time we had with our friends from First Bible Church. All that planning for them to come and then it went by so fast! Continuing with ending things for Curt, he rotates off the Elder Board at Danube International at the end of this month. It has been a blessing for him to serve with such godly men.

Shay finishes up the BSF class on May 29th. Olivia has already completed her work for the FEK ministry. Their last meeting was this past Friday. (see Olivia's blog) Now, her next project ahead with this ministry will be the SpeakOut camp and Korea this summer. Also, the girls will finish homeschool on May 25th. There will be a couple of school things that will spill over into June but for the most part, they are done.

So, the "finish line" is ahead and God has sustained us by His grace and your prayers. Please continue to pray for us as we make ministry decisions for this summer and beyond. Although many things are coming to an end, we don't plan to take a "vacation" from God this summer! There are many opportunities and much work still to be done in this part of the world.