It's holidays like Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and July 4th, that make us even more proud to be an American. Obviously, those are not days celebrated in Budapest, Hungary! As we go into the Memorial Day weekend, we reflect on the privileges and benefits of being a citizen of such a great country---the United States of America. We remember the great sacrifices of our men and women in the military that allow for us to wave the red, white, and blue.
Curt and Shay were at the home of some friends this afternoon. Their flat has a "U.S.A. corner". The husband and wife are American missionaries that go to our Budapest church. The U.S.A corner is all red, white, and blue American-decorated. Flags, quilts, pictures, and signs that all proclaim that they are proud to be Americans! It made us feel right at home and reminded us that just because we live in another country, we don't have to give up our patriotism and love for our home country.
This weekend, let's don't forget to thank God for our wonderful country!