It's really funny to look back on our previous posts and see how many of them refer to weather! Why are we so preoccupied by the weather?? Sometimes, it seems, that the success of the day depends on whether the weather is good. How's that for a tongue twister??
But some of you have told us that your computer's homepage is the page and that you have it set to Budapest. So you wonder about our weather, too! You'll be happy to know that today and the two previous days have been gorgeous. Abundant sunshine and just a little bit chilly. But nothing uncomfortable. Could Spring be here to stay? We certainly hope so.
Also, in this part of the world, Daylight Savings Time comes a week earlier than the states. We push our clocks forward THIS Saturday evening instead of next week like most of you do. So that means that we are EIGHT hours ahead of you instead of the usual seven. It will be encouraging to us to see it stay lighter and lighter a little longer each day.
Happy Spring!