Since last Thursday, we've been enjoying a visit with our good friends, Gary and Bette Willett. They are fellow BSFers. Until last June, they used to live here in Budapest and had been in Budapest for 4 years. We got to know them because of their love for BSF and their desire to have BSF begin in Budapest. Both Gary and Bette had benefitted from BSF in the states and both of them had come to know the Lord through BSF back in the 80's. While in Budapest, they served as missionaries with Campus Crusade for Christ. In late 2004, they felt the Lord calling them back to the states and we hated to see them leave permanently to return home to Kansas.
Even before we arrived in Budapest in March 2004, Gary and Bette helped us in so many ways. Curt met them on his survey trip to Budapest in Fall 2003 and they were a wealth of information. Gary played a major role in securing for us an "inviting organization" so that we could come in and work in Hungary. Gary even met us at the airport when we first arrived and helped us with our 11 suitcases! Those first few weeks and months, we felt attached at the hip to the Willetts as we tried to feel our way through the culture adjustment. They were so patient with us and all our questions! Then, when the Ladies' BSF class began last Spring (2005), Bette was willing to play any role she could to help get the class off the ground. We owe them both a debt of gratitude!
So, when we heard that they needed to come back to Budapest for a week to do some work with Campus Crusade, we jumped at the chance to have them stay with us. We've had so much fun catching up on each other's lives. Although we've only known them for about 2 1/2 years, it seems like we've known them for years. It's just a connection that people have in the body of Christ. When they leave this Thursday for the states, we don't know when we might see them again. But we'll keep up through email and letters. Who knows? Maybe we'll get an opportunity to see them as we pass through Kansas!