Being in Budapest gives us so many opportunties to meet some terrific people. Our view of the world has definitely expanded and that's been a good thing. There are believers all over the world in missionary service and they're not all Americans! A revelation for us! :-) Here we are with the Randimbiarison family--Jeannot, Julianna and their daughter, Tina. They serve with Pioneers. Jeannot is originally from Madagascar and Julianna is Hungarian. We have been so privileged to get to know them better and to serve with them. Their hearts are full of the love of Christ and love for His people.
Seated to Curt's left is Jarko and Elena Jurik. They are missionaries to Serbia and are very involved with our home church in Decatur (First Bible Church www.fbc.org) in church planting opportunities. Curt has visited Jarko and Elena in Serbia several times and have gotten to see their work first hand. Serbia is a very dark place, spiritually, and the Juriks are giving their life and energy to bring the gospel here.
We were able to spend some time with these two families during a conference held in a local hotel in Budapest.
Please continue to pray to the Lord of the harvest that He will raise up missionaries from all nations and to all nations.