Olivia and Shay have the opportunity of traveling to the Holy Land of the Savior next month. We are so excited and are anticipating that God will speak to our hearts and minds during our time there. The trip is with a professor from Moody Bible Institute who has a company called Messianic Journeys. We'll be gone for about 10 days with the trip beginning and ending in Chicago. Our plan is to take lots of pictures and write down our thoughts while there. We will post some of those images and thoughts on our blogs. We never imagined we would have this wonderful gift of being in that part of the world. Israel is so critical to what we believe about our Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Throughout the Old Testament, God tells
His story of redemption through the story of the Israelites. The Old Testament points toward the coming of the Messiah and how His sufficient sacrifice alone is our only way to heaven. Seeing these places mentioned in the Bible will only increase our love and gratitude towards God for His wonderful gift of His Son!
We would appreciate your prayers as we get ready to go. We'll update you more the closer it gets to time to leave.
"For you (ISRAEL) are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be His people, His treasured possession. "Deuteronomy 7:5 (emphasis mine)