Monday, March 03, 2008

Moving The Church

Well, not the actual building! But the people of Danube International Church. At least for one Sunday morning. And that was a "test drive". Not a permanent thing yet. But we need space. We're outgrowing our current facility. Certainly a good "problem" to have. But one that has to be addressed. Curt has been working on the "problem" for months and was asked by the Danube Church leadership to find the next facility for our church. That's a pretty big project with 300 people and a children's ministry to accomodate.

So, yesterday, March 2, we tried out the building next door to our current building. This building has so much more to offer us. A 500 seat auditorium. A large atrium for the foyer with lots of light and openness. A terrific place to hang coats. Nice bathrooms. (Ladies' bathroom STILL smaller than the men's. ???) Chairs already set up and we don't have to set them. Good stage area. So, you can see, a real possibility. The problems? A challenge for rooms and their configuration for our children's ministry. A 10 week contract that the building already has with a "Mind Control" Conference that meets there about 10 times a year. But God can work it out if this is our new place!

Curt meets with our church leadership tonight to get some feedback on the "test drive" from yesterday. All we got yesterday was positive feedback from the church members that we talked with. So, we shall see which direction the leadership feels we need to go. Pursue this possibility? Or keep looking. We'll keep you posted....