Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Last Blog For A While

Pretty bad to say last blog for a while when we haven't been keeping our blog updated in the last few weeks! Our excuses for that are long and boring, for sure. But it has been a crazy, busy few weeks as we move toward leaving Budapest for the states during the month of December and January. We probably won't post to our blog while we're gone. We'll catch back up with you sometime in February. :)

Wow! We'll be home for Christmas. The first Christmas in the states in 4 years. We are really looking forward to this time with family and friends. We leave next week and there is much to be done before then. So many projects to wrap up or at least put on hold until we get back in January. Hopefully, we'll get to see many of you on this trip back and thank you personally for your prayers for us. And speaking of prayer, a few requests from us to cover us during this trip back.

*Meredith sings a Christmas solo this Sunday at church. Please pray that her singing would honor God.

*Pray that our responsibilities here would be covered by the people that we have asked to step in and help us.

*Pray for our house to be safe and that no break-ins will occur while we're gone.

*We tend to get sick on our trips back to the states. Different germs??! Please pray that we will be healthy and safe during this time.

Thank you for caring about us! In case you would like to contact us during the month of December and January, our permanent mailing address in the states is:

PO Box 1943
Madison, AL 35758