Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Another Independence Day celebrated in Hungary! Such an unusual feeling when no one else is celebrating. Just another day for the Hungarians. But Shay and Meredith did got the opportunity to celebrate the day with some other Americans. It's cold and rainy here (so different from yesterday!) but we still grilled out. It was wonderful to get together to laugh, talk, eat, and listen to patriotic music in the background. We miss Curt and Olivia and feel pretty sure that they didn't get much chance to celebrate in Korea!

Our thoughts and prayers turn to our men and women in the military stationed all over the world. Especially those in Iraq and Afghanistan. We stumbled upon a really neat website that gives people the opportunity to send needed items to an individual soldier or to a group of soldiers. The soldier updates the website by sending in emails. Prepare to have your heart broken! Reading about their excitement about receiving basic items that we take for granted really puts things in perspective. Maybe you would like to check the website out:

We thank our God for America and for the many blessings He has given this great nation. We pray for revival in the land and that many would turn back to God in repentance.