Friday, April 13, 2007

Contact Information

Just to answer some questions we've had about our contact information:

*Yes, we do have an American address that is treated like a permanent address for us. The address is PO Box 1943 Madison, AL 35758. This PO Box is checked regularly by Shay's sister and brother-in-law and any mail that needs immediate attention, they graciously take care of that. You're welcome to send mail to us to this address. But please remember that it will be a while before the mail reaches us and we can reply to you. Shay's sister takes the mail received, bundles it up, and sends the mail periodically in a global package to us.

*Yes, we can receive mail in Budapest. It seems like it's getting shorter and shorter for a piece of mail to reach us. It used to take about 10 days for mail to arrive. Now, many times mail from the states reaches us in a week. Our address here is:

Tavasz Utca 4
Budaors 2040

*Update on email addresses: Our main family address is All our accounts are pretty much obsolete. The girls have individual accounts as well and if you would like those addresses, please email our family address and we'll let you know those. Please know that we DO answer our email and we love receiving email! So, if for some reason you don't get a reply from us, we probably didn't get the original email. Happens all the time. We sometimes even get emails a week or two later after the sender has sent it! Please be patient with us and just resend your email. Thank you!!!