Or at least PART of us are home. Shay and Olivia arrived back in Budapest on Thursday. Curt and Meredith stayed behind in the states because Meredith had gotten sick with the flu. So she couldn't travel on the day we were supposed to fly. Curt and Meredith's flight was rescheduled for yesterday for arrival today. But the bad weather stepped in and changed everything! The snow on the U.S. east coast must have caused all kinds of problems and many airlines cancelled flights. Curt and Meredith's flight was one of the ones cancelled. So they have a fly date of tomorrow (Sunday) with arrival on Monday. Or, at least, we hope they have that date to fly! We'll have to watch the weather closely to see if it clears enough for them to fly. Please pray that they do get out of there on time and are able to head to Budapest soon.
Thanks so much for your prayers concerning protection for our house and pets while we were gone. Everything seemed to go well and we are thankful! Another thing we're thankful for is the beautiful weather we're experiencing right now. It seems like Spring out our window. What a blessing for this time of the year in Budapest.
We had a wonderful time in the states on our trip. Seeing many of you added to the fun and encouragement! Thank you for your interest in what's going on in this part of the world and for your care about us. Also, the Missions Conference at First Bible was one of the big highlights of the trip. Having our Budapest pastor, Ronnie Stevens, as the conference speaker was a bonus and God really used Ronnie to speak to our family. We thank all of you that worked so hard to put on this God-honoring conference.
Check back later to get an update on Curt and Meredith's flight status. We'll let you know when they are safely home!