February 2007
Dear Family and Friends,
I still can’t believe that we have been in Hungary for nearly three years now! God is just too amazing. He has provided for me in so many ways. I’m so happy that He allowed us to move to Hungary and be a part of many exciting ministries here. I am especially grateful to have been allowed to work as a student leader with FEK. FEK is a Hungarian acronym that stands for “students at the threshold of life”. This ministry puts on a weekly coffee house, Battle of the Bands, fall festival outreaches, and the Speak Out English camp. Serving with other students makes the work so much more fun. Nothing like a little dirt and sweat to bond the hearts and lives of both Hungarian and American Christians!
This summer, I have been given another opportunity to attend Speak Out. In the summer of 2005, I got to serve as an English tutor at Speak Out. It is an evangelistic English camp put on by Campus Crusade-Hungary. Hungarian students who attend learn and practice their English, spend quality time with American students, play fun games, and most importantly get to hear the gospel from the students who staff the camp. I cannot fully express the joy of being a part of this unique body of Christ and I’m looking forward to seeing what God will do this summer.
In addition to the exciting opportunity of Speak Out, I have been asked to join a team of 15 Americans and Hungarians (of which I am one of the youngest) in representing Hungary at a Campus Crusade conference of 20,000 in South Korea. We will join people from 100 other countries in worship, workshops, and training as we learn to better affect our personal worlds with the gospel. I am looking forward to how this experience will stretch and mold me more into the woman God desires for me to be. I have prayed about the decision to participate in the conference and I believe that God will provide the financial means and strength I need to attend.
Love, Olivia
The Lord stood at my side and gave me strength,
so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed.
2 Timothy 4:17