We attend Danube International Church here in Budapest. (www.danubechurch.org) Our pastor is Ronnie Stevens. He originally pastored a church in Memphis but has been on the mission field for several years. We are blessed to have him pastor this church. Up until recently, Ronnie was the only paid staff we had. In the last couple of months, we have benefited from an Executive Pastor who feels called to make Danube Church his missionary service. Translate: he doesn't get paid by the church! This is a totally different situation for us since we come from a church that has several paid staff positions and each staffer is trained for his/her particular position.
Here at Danube Church, we have no worship leader. The worship team changes from week to week. We have several gifted volunteers in our church who agree to head up one week a month and be in charge for worship that day. Makes for interesting worship! Olivia and Meredith, for the last 2 Sundays, were asked to be a part of the praise team for that week. They seemed to really enjoy that! Coming home from church today, they mentioned what a blessing it was to look out and see people really worshipping the Lord through the music. It's a different perspective looking out to the audience instead of being IN the audience. Maybe they'll have some more opportunities in the future to be a part of the praise team.